Lenka Tsikoliya

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Uhříněves  – a city in the countryside, a countryside in the cityArt Between the School and the ChurchARCHIPELAGO 13 *A3Ideas of Public SpaceThe Alienated LandscapeUniversal EncounterPerformance Estranged LandscapeAn Artwork for the Park on Karlov
The bridge. Occupated by KurtVideo Scene in the forest. The Kurt´s: The Studio of Universal Sculpture on Kurt Gebauer‘s Eightieth BirthdayTriangulUM 2021Visions of ŠluknovKAMILA ŽENATÁ and Guests: Event Horizon (Finale)
Open-air workshop | Wanderingdrawing | BridgeBicycle pathintervention | bicycle pathelective course at UMPRUM | Public spaceProgrammable Bending – A Research Pavilion, architectural design by Shota Tsikoliyacompetition | Memorial of Dr. Milada Horákováaesthetization of the Vrch Vitkov as a part of its future revitalisation, search for the appropriate alternatives of the future programPublic spaces Šafárikovo námestie and Fajnorovo nábrežie in BratislavaThe city and the mobilityTrunk 2009, 2015Finding neverland  |  Here I always touch the tree leaves 2014 – 2015Survey by the mental mapspreliminary architectural design project | New image of the square in Březová nad Svitavou 2013 / 2014diploma project – realizationscénář | Svižná konverzační rádoby komedie o zdlouhavém procesu porozumění si.Step backPARC | artistic urban plan for Marseille in FranceAbuse | Around an axisŠtkaní 2012Intruder – space for a changeWhir of prager’s sketchVisible to the other onespring challenge 2012 final piece!25.1.2012 19:30Frý-es-e-brrdIT eroticFootnote | What can happenDISPLACEDCrossing over sound wavesThe things around can see what is happeningWhere to place sculptures in kladno?At the discoVeškeré úřední zvládnutí | profilesRrromantikaobject | ProfileVoyage dans la sphere de ciel – ciel de spheres journey in the sphere of sky – sky of spheresobject  |  Rozena