Lenka Tsikoliya

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Learning the culture of the place – Uhříněves

– through sociological research – a technique of mental maps

– through art research – a technique of site specific art


30.9.2024 – 9.12.2024


A cooperation of the Institute of Social Studies FSV UK and a Department of art education of Pedagogical Faculty UK. Students and educators (Barbora Spálová and Lenka Tsikoliya) are jointly conducting a short applied research study with the residents of the Uhříněves district on their relationship to the lived space. We are using narrative interview techniques and mental mapping according to Kevin Lynch. The research results will be processed into a brief semi-popular text, which could be shared with the residents of Uhříněves. Students from the Faculty of Education at Charles University will then propose and implement artistic interventions in the public space. The project will conclude with a walk through Uhříněves for local residents and a course reflection for the students.