Lenka Tsikoliya

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Performance Estranged Landscape

place: Uhříněves, 09/11/2023
realization: students and teachers of the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University
The performance "Estranged Landscape" highlights a phenomenon of our time - the transformation of urban peripheries into inhospitable and empty spaces beyond human scale. During the workshop we focused on a plot of land on the outskirts of the town of Uhříněves near one of Prague's largest logistics complexes, Metrans. We explore the land through comparison with the outline of the local cultural and historical landmark, the All Saints Church in Uhříněves, which we have staked out on the site. The contrast between the human scale and clarity of the church's outline on the one hand and the boundless nature of the logistics complex on the other illustrates the transformation and alienation of the contemporary industrial and agricultural landscape.