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IT erotic

3rd place of Kinect hacking awards Moje Konzole! Project IT erotic by Lenka Janušková & Martin Zrcek


November 30, 2011

Hackerspace Prague [brmlab]

medium: site-specific interactive installation

dimensions: kinect, notebook, projector


Revelation among IT technology

The Brmlab space is interactively used as a background by a user and his teammates. The topic is the extreme bias of machine engineering technologies as a substitute for more realistic action, including erotics. The viewer enters the Brmlab space and by clicking on the author's e-mail address, a strange, romantic, erotic element is born in this environment - a posing naked model, a wall-to-wall projection between IT machines and their users. The environment becomes contrastingly complex.

Competition MY CONSOLE

Historically, the first meeting of Czech artists and IT specialists dealing with the Kinect motion controller, called MY CONSOLE !. In the hackerspace of Prague, the audience voted for the most successful of the submitted projects for the multimedia presentation of the Interactive Holocaust Memorial, created by the non-profit organization M77. The second place went to the project Robotic Hand by PhD students from Prague CTU Jan Hrdlička and Jiří Wild. Their project allows you to control a simple hand model by gesturing motion sensor sensors. The third prize went to the project IT erotica, which at the last minute replaced originally submitted project The footnote. It consisted of a projection of a naked woman behind the computer user. Kinect served as a sensor, which, in reaction to the user's movement, attempted to hide the woman.

David Slížek